Blake Babcock is the Director of Client Engagement for Staffing Solutions Enterprises.

Blake moved to Jackson in 2013 with his wife Kristina, who shortly thereafter gave birth to their triplets Ava, Gavin, and Chloe. Blake has served on a plethora of non-profit committees and boards over his career, in addition to being the CEO of Mobile Meals in Akron for two years.

  • What do you like to do in your spare time?

    Play golf, practice golf, and study golf on YouTube.

  • What inspires you?

    Extreme fear of mediocrity.

  • Why are you on the board of directors?

    I’ve been captivated by Amanda and Daniel’s story since we met several years ago. It was simply a matter of when not if I would dedicate my time to helping their incredible organization.

  • Who is a hero of yours?

    My wife, Kristina. She keeps our family organized and moving full steam ahead. Between being a nurse, birthing and raising our triplets, and putting up with me…I don’t know how she does it.

  • What is something quirky about you?

    I have a very addictive personality which doesn’t play well with my extreme competitiveness. Whether perfecting my golf swing or ensuring my lawn looks the best in the neighborhood, I spend an unhealthy amount of time researching how to perfect what I’m trying to achieve. I could spend 3 hours in an afternoon watching videos simply on different ways to hit a chip from a tight lie or different ways to ensure my grass is as green and thick as possible.

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