Whether you are an individual or business that understands the impact our free meal program has had on thousands of lives, we need your help and have a variety of ways you can support Compassion Delivered.
Did you know that many employers offer workplace giving programs to offer employees an opportunity to make an impact on our community’s greatest needs through matching gift programs? These programs, usually administered by your Human Resources Department, may often double or triple donations you make to Compassion Delivered! If you work for any of the following companies, you may be able to participate in a matching gift program:
If your company offers to match employee donations, contact your Human Resources Department or Payroll Department, and request a matching gift form. Complete the form and return it to:
Compassion Delivered
Attn: Matching Gift Program
1320 Bel Air Drive NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Contact US
Compassion Delivered is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and our EIN is 81-5174934